How Insurance Companies Defy Personal Injury Claims

Insurance company agents have several tricks up their sleeves to deny valid claims, minimize payouts, or simply weaken your case. Making money by cutting down payables is their foremost purpose, irrespective of how it affects the wellbeing of the client or petitioner. They may act like your best friend, but their motives are purely evil; the big phony smiles and sugary tones are a trap! They often attempt to delay claims just to provoke you into settling for less, and sometimes to go past the statute of limitations. Personal Injury Lawyer Philadelphia, PA, reveals the common lies told by insurers:

You don’t need a Lawyer

When the insurance adjuster tells you that a lawyer is unnecessary, it is in fact a paradoxical statement. The insurance provider knows that a professional attorney is aware of all their tactics, which poses a problem for them. Bear in mind that you should never directly speak to the insurance company. Hire a defendant and let him/her handle the deceitful opponent.

The Insurance Policy does not cover this

This is the oldest trick in the book of an insurance company. They will tell you that the policy has limited coverage, so you cannot get full or even partial reimbursement. These people know that you did not read the fine print, or cannot interpret the lawyer lingo in case you skimmed the contract. Taking advantage of the client’s lack of information is simple and easy.

I’m offering more than you could get ever get out of this

When you file a personal injury claim, you may not be fully aware of the extent of damages; also, how much it will cost to fix the situation. This is why insurance agents are quick to offer a small settlement and create the impression that they are being exceedingly generous.

You’re running out of Time

Insurance agents pressure petitioners into accepting a meager settlement by highlighting the deadline. They bluff that their offer is outstanding and final, so you need to hurry because missing it will be your loss. Remember that their deadlines are arbitrary, so keep calm and figure out the actual worth of your case.

I’m busy right now

If the insurance company keeps putting off your calls and acts as if they have a million claims to work on, understand that it is just another way to frustrate you. Don’t fall for their tantrums and ask your lawyer to take care of it.

Your Claim is in Processing

When the insurance agent tells you that they are investigating your case, it means that they are looking into ways to defy your claim. The prolonged ‘processing’ is a red flag.

You need to provide your Social Security number

Your social security number gives access to all your credit history and can be used for a thorough background check. This is a superficial request, so never abide by it.

We need a Recorded Statement

Whatever you say can be used against you, so beware of giving consent to record a call or conversation. The most trivial dialogues are manipulated to damage your claim; hence, remain silent and let your attorney do the talking.

You have to sign a Release form

Never sign anything in the absence of a lawyer. You are not obliged to provide any personal information, and that includes past medical records. You have no idea how insurers manipulate and exploit data to make the plaintiff look like a fraud.

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